Thursday, March 01, 2007

Straight In

26 minutes
easy pace
6am - cold, clear, and windy, with blowing and drifting snow - didn't really feel like fighting the wind and the snow drifts on the trail, so I just came straight in on the Broadway bike path - after only two minutes (on Table Mesa bike path) I slipped on some black ice underneath some drifted snow, landed squarely on the concrete with my left kneecap - that was some good pain for a few minutes, but I ran it off - a lot of ice on that path, so i just ran very mellow - once I got to work I realized that I drew a little blood and ripped my tights a tiny bit - it will be sore, but no real damage done - not the most thrilling or lengthy run today, but at least I got something in - feelin' good.