Thursday, February 08, 2007

AM Meander in Ice Fog

39 minutes
easy pace
5:45 am - chilly with ice fog (felt like micro-snow in the face) - super chill little run from the house this morning - did my standard dink-around loop, but, rather than going up Skunk and down telphone road, I came home along the southern edge of the NOAA property and back up church trail - heading out I slipped on some black ice in the church trail parking lot (hit the pavement pretty hard and sort of jammed my wrist - hurt for about 10 minutes) - behind the cemetery (on the side of Kohler Mesa) I heard a pack of coyotes below me (on the western edge of NIST property along Skunk Creek); they were yelpin' and yipin' about something for a couple of minutes - felt like I wasn't really awake yet this morning, but felt pretty good.