Sunday, February 04, 2007

Short Little Blue

39 minutes
easy to moderate pace
2 pm - filtered sun through the clouds - windy (but nothing compared to yesterday) - just a short little Big Bluestem loop - after yesterday's "run" I wanted something super mellow today - parked at the South Boulder Creek (West) TH - ran up South Boulder Creek Trail, then down Big Bluestem Trail - the wind and sun have been eating away a lot of snow - trail conditions were a variety (damp earth, mud, slush, packed snow, ice) - climbing up with the headwind it was mostly soft-packed snow with slush on top, coming down with the tailwind it was mostly damp earth with some mud - once past the corral (almost back to the trailhead) I descended into a foggy pocket of air that was at least 10 to 15 degrees colder than above (there the snow was crunchy and firm) - felt a little tired today.