Thursday, June 15, 2006


50 minutes
easy pace
with the middle school running camp - much cooler today (only about 80 degrees), sunny - we took this cool day as a chance to to a run down here in town - set out from the school, ran the Rail Trail to the pond and back - the pond was dry! (never seen it all dried out before) - very mellow pace with the middle schoolers - I should be very well-rested by the end of this week.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

(#2) Flagstaff Mountain

46 minutes
moderate up, easy down
with DJ - 101 degrees crazy hot, sunny - 1:30pm - parked at the Gregory Canyon TH, up the Flagstaff Trail (felt very tired and hot going up), meandered around the top on the Ute Trail a bit, then crossed the road and ran down the Gregory Canyon Trail (that was easy and, before we knew it, we were done) - felt great afterward - climbing Flagstaff in 101 degree weather at midday makes you feel like you've really done something.

(#1) Betasso

45 minutes
easy pace
with the middle school running camp - super hot and sunny - just a very mellow tour of Betasso Preserve with the middle schoolers - had to chase down a couple of kids that decided to to exploring off-trail, but we all were back together by the time we needed to leave.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


45 minutes
easy pace
with the middle school running camp - very hot and sunny - we parked inside Eldorado Springs State Park, ran the Fowler to the ancient sea bed, turned around and came back - had some quality time soaking/playing in the creek afterward - super mellow running with the middle schoolers.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ceran St. Vrain

45 minutes
easy pace
with the middle school running camp - hot and sunny, 11am - we were looking for some shade, so we headed up to the Ceran St. Vrain trail west of Jamestown - super mellow running with a few novicw middle school runners.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Buffalo Creek

[mountain bike]
13.79 miles
1 hour, 44 minutes
with DJ and a few of the middle school kids - we were here today for the kids, so today's ride was very mellow - we were just trying to give the interested kids an idea of what real mountain biking is all about - parked at the Buffalo TH, rode the Green Mountain loop clockwise, then climbed up Gashouse, down Baldy, then back to the TH on old road 543 - very hot today, it's amazing how much easier the hills are when you go at a mellow pace - I think the kids had a ton of fun, so the day was a big success.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Heil Ranch Ridin'

[mountain bike]
23.88 miles
1 hour, 54 minutes
with DJ - we rode out from his house (SW of Niwot), rode the dirt roads to get to Heil Ranch, climbed up to the loop, rode the loop clockwise, then returned along the same route - DJ was crushing me today - I could only hold his wheel on the climb, and he rolled away from me on the descent - it's been a while since I did a rough, jackhammer type ride, and this one had me hurtin' today - felt great riding back to DJ's house though.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Thursday, June 08, 2006

An E/F Variation

54 minutes
easy pace
solo - mid afternoon - ran almost the standard E/F loop (ran up Dartmouth to the break in the fence then connected across Skunk Creek, rather than running along the southern edge of the NOAA/NIST property - and ran up and over Yuri Pass on the way down the mountain).

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ran Home the Hilly Way

97 minutes
easy pace
solo - 2:30pm - hot, but cloudy - ran home from the school, but not the direct route down Broadway - I took the least hilly route that is still on trails.....and that's still a very hilly run - from the school, ran the eastern edge of Wonderland Lake, bike path to Linden, little singletrack up to the top of Sanitas Valley, down Dakota Ridge, up and over Red Rocks to Eben G. Fine Park, Up Viewpoint to Panorama Point on Flagstaff Mountain, Flagstaff Trail up a bit, then down Flagstaff Trail to Gregory Canyon, Baseline Trail to Mesa Trail, up the Mesa, Down Skunk Canyon and Vassar to the house - I was runnin' super easy, but I was still very hot and thirsty - I have that good kind of wiped-out feeling - that was the best I've ever felt on that run; it gets easier every time - what used to seem like huge climbs don't seem like such a big deal now - felt great today, but I was dying for some water.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

Hogback Loop

44 minutes
easy pace
solo - 12:15pm - very sunny and very hot - from the school, I ran the Hogback Loop - super mellow and easy today (I just ran last night, and it's also so damn hot) - I even walked a bunch of the stairsteps - felt fine though, as if I could have turned it on if I had wanted to.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Home from the South Mesa TH

63 minutes
easy to moderate pace
solo - 6:15pm - still hot, still sunny - NeNe did a run from the South Mesa TH, so I used that as a ride to the TH - I ran home from there - up the Mesa Trail, up the upper Big Bluestem, reconnect with the Mesa Trail and continue north, down Skunk Canyon Trail, Vassar, and home - it's nice to get up into the trees on these hot days/evenings, but that requires one to climb a big hill to get up into the trees - but that also means a big downhill to get home - felt good (I like this evening running).

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rattlesnake Gulch

69 minutes
moderate pace
solo - 7:15pm - still pretty hot, but a lot of clouds and shadows at this later hour - I was going to run earlier in the day, but 97 degree sun didn't sound like my favorite thing - from the Eldorado Mountain TH, ran the Fowler Trail into Eldorado Canyon State Park, then up the Rattlesnake Gulch Trail (doing the upper loop clockwise), then back along the same route - I worked pretty hard on the rocky climb (it didn't seem any longer running vs. riding) - this run would have been 5 minutes faster, but I stopped for a sideshow (at the top of the loop I ran the little singletrack up to the railroad tracks - just as I was leaving, a freight train popped out of the tunnel - I watched it, felt the cool wind as it rolled by, and threw a few big, echoing rocks into the empty coal cars) - came back down at a pretty good clip - felt great this evening.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hidden Valley with DJ

60 minutes
easy pace
with DJ - noon - sunny and very hot - left from the school, ran west to the Foothills trail, down and under US36, then north on the Eagle, then the Mesa Reservoir / Hidden Valley loop (clockwise), then back the same way (Eagle and Foothills) - felt great early, but the last ten minutes the heat accumulated on me and I was feeling prettty ragged coming in - i'm (very slowly) getting used to the heat.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Down Broadway

41 minutes
easy pace
solo - sunny and hot - 3pm - ran home from the school, just straight down Broadway - didn't feel good until the last mile (it's tough starting with a downhill) - the heat is back on and I'm having a little trouble getting used to it - still feel pretty fresh and light - ready to get into the summer running in the hot, hot heat - all pavement today (my legs feel fine, but pavement is brutal - "roads are for cars").