Saturday, June 03, 2006

Rattlesnake Gulch

69 minutes
moderate pace
solo - 7:15pm - still pretty hot, but a lot of clouds and shadows at this later hour - I was going to run earlier in the day, but 97 degree sun didn't sound like my favorite thing - from the Eldorado Mountain TH, ran the Fowler Trail into Eldorado Canyon State Park, then up the Rattlesnake Gulch Trail (doing the upper loop clockwise), then back along the same route - I worked pretty hard on the rocky climb (it didn't seem any longer running vs. riding) - this run would have been 5 minutes faster, but I stopped for a sideshow (at the top of the loop I ran the little singletrack up to the railroad tracks - just as I was leaving, a freight train popped out of the tunnel - I watched it, felt the cool wind as it rolled by, and threw a few big, echoing rocks into the empty coal cars) - came back down at a pretty good clip - felt great this evening.