Friday, January 26, 2007

Dink-Around Loop

42 minutes
easy pace
After about 10 days off with a nasty cold I did my typical dink-around not-too-hilly loop from the house (down church trail, in front of the NOAA/NIST property along B-way, King Ave., Four Pines, behind the cemetery, up Skunk, down telephone road, behind the houses, Bear Mountain Park, and home). Just nice and easy today - trying to get back into it. It felt so good to be back out there, even if I was hacking up a ton of gunk from being sick. Started with the long-sleeved shirt but ended up running with no shirt - just long shorts, hat, and gloves. The sun makes a big difference. Still a lot of snow on the north sides - and quite muddy where the earth was exposed.