Friday, January 26, 2007

---Hiatus (from blogging)---

OK folks, back at the blogging here. What's been happening during this hiatus? I have been running, but not every day - not even close. The big news is that our little boy was born in September. I won't say much about it here - there's another blog for that - but he's great, and I hope I can stay in shape enough to hang with him until he stomps me into oblivion when he's in high school. I've been running about three to four days a week, but there have been several weeks thrown in there with no running at all. I've been at it enough to keep from gaining weight or getting too soft, but my fitness is a couple of levels below where it was before. Things are now finally settling down to the point where I can see myself trying to run most days. We'll see how it goes. I am very motivated to be fast and mean come summer. So off we go...