Monday, January 29, 2007

Moonlight Mesa

57 minutes
easy to moderate pace
5:30 pm, pretty cold, slight breeze, dark - ran home from work (Pearl Street Mall) - west on Walnut, south up 9th to Chautauqua, up the Mesa Trail, down Bear Creek Canyon fire road (no Yuri today), Bear Mountain Park, and home - when I left it was dusk/twilight, but by the time I got to Chautauqua it was dark - but the snow and the moon helped me see where I was putting my feet - I didn't realize how bright the moon was until I got into the trees, where it was much more difficult to differentiate between packed snow and ice (sometimes I had to slow down to just a shuffle) - it was a long 25 minute climb up 9th and the Mesa onto Kohler Mesa, but I was rewarded with serene solitude and beauty - the city lights almost looked beautiful from above - the pace was pretty mellow, but the long climb and my inability to completely relax on the snow and ice in the dark made the effort a bit tougher - so beautiful and peaceful - had a great time.