Monday, April 30, 2007

Zippy on the Mesa

44 minutes
moderate pace
5pm - sunny and warm - usual route home from work (up 9th to Chautauqua, Mesa trail to Bear Creek Canyon, down fire road, Yuri Pass, Bear Mountain Park, and home) - gave it a pretty good effort today - felt great, but not super-great - just a little mud still hangin' around up there - I am loving this weather.....something about being warm and shirtless that just makes me feel zippy.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


75 minutes
easy to moderate pace (closer to easy)
3:15pm - mostly sunny and very warm with clouds around - still had a little headache today and still feeling a bit tired, so I didn't push it today - same up-and-down loop as several recent weekends - lots of hikers out there - I don't think I've ever documented it, but this run always includes a hundred meter spur off of the Shadow Canyon trail to the top of the saddle where the old Mesa trail dives down to Eldorado Springs - I step on the lichen covered rock, stop the watch for a second, catch my breath, and take in the view before climbing the last bit up to the mouth of Shadow Canyon - it was right there where I got a little nauseous, but it passed (hope I'm not getting sick - I don't think so - probably just too much sun this weekend) - twice saw a couple of speed demons with CSU garb on running in the opposite direction - still quite a bit of mud in spots from the soaking rains earlier in the week; rather than tromp through I danced around it in most places - feeling good running-wise, but feeling kind of tired - just need to get used to the sun and heat.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Little Blue

34 minutes
easy pace
3:45pm - sunny and very warm - did a lot of yard work and got a lot of sun today, and I'm not used to either - so I was feeling tired and had a little headache - just did a short little easy thing today - ran the little Big Bluestem loop from the South Boulder Creek West trailhead - I love this little loop; I ran this thing all the time when I was coming back from my pelvis fracture, and it's still one of my favorite short runs - up the South Boulder Creek trail, north on the Mesa trail, then down lower Big Bluestem back to the TH - still felt tired when I was done, but felt a lot better than before the run - spring has sprung and the meadowlarks were singing their little warbley song.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Family Run

57 minutes
easy pace
9:45am - sunny and warm - the whole family went running today - same run as last Friday - I pushed the running stroller and we all ran down the Bear Creek bike path to the confluence with Boulder Creek, then we turned around and came back up - the boy was awake for 10 minutes, then asleep for 35, then awake for the rest of the way home - he likes to see Mommy running in front of him.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

More Mesa, More Mud

49 minutes
easy pace
6am - chilly (frosty) and clear - lovely sunrise this morning - ran the usual route into work (same route as last night, but in reverse) - we must have had more rain overnight because it was a little more muddy this morning - from above I could see the fog hanging around in some of the valleys with the sunrise above - I can't remember ever seeing Boulder so green as this week - on 9th St. I saw a couple of robins doing their mating ritual (fluttering and somersaulting and twirling though the air just a few feet off the ground) - feelin' good these days - it's almost May; almost time to start rockin' and rollin' - time to start movin' faster and goin' farther.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Muddy Mesa

48 minutes
easy to moderate pace
5pm - sun & clouds, cool, moist - usual route home from work via the Mesa Trail - we have had a ton of rain the past few days, so the trail was rather muddy (but not as sloppy as I expected) - because of the mud I did not do Yuri Pass today - the mud slowed things down a bit, but I was able to zip along pretty well most of the way - the cool, moist air felt great.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Rainy Tuesday Morning

24 minutes
easy pace
6am - cold and raining - this is the third Tuesday morning in a row that it has been raining and I have opted to just run straight up Broadway to work - it's probably a good thing as I've been a feeling a little tired and the easy short run was sort of a rest day - I was very wet when I got to downtown - glad I didn't wimp out though.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A Little Muddy on the Mesa

49 minutes
easy pace
5:20pm - cloudy, cool, just after a little rain shower - usual route home from work via the Mesa Trail - a rain shower had just passed through as I headed out - wet everywhere - it really smelled like spring out there, and those plum blossoms are still smelling great - not as muddy as I thought it would be, but I did not run Yuri Pass today (that trail has very clayey soil that sticks to your shoes - didn't want to carry ten pounds of mud along with me) - saw a small group of mule deer on the grassy slope south of Bear Canyon Creek and fire road - felt pretty tired today.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

To Walker Via Eldorado

107 minutes
easy to moderate pace
2:15pm - hazy sunshine and clouds, cool - headed out from the Eldorado Mountain TH, up the Fowler into Eldorado Canyon State Park, once at the Visitor's Center I headed west up the Eldorado Canyon Trail - got to the trail's high point at about 45 minutes - here I had a decision to make: 1) turn around or 2) keep going west, descending the hill to the junction with the Walker Ranch loop, then turn around - I kept going - down the hill to Walker Ranch (that little section - from the high point down to Walker - was new to my feet; never been on that section before) - turned around at 53 minutes and immediately felt very tired - climbed back up the Eldorado Canyon Trail, then down the east side back to the Visitor's Center - at this point I was not only damn tired but I was starting to bonk - I was getting the chills and was fantasizing about cold beers (like a Raspberry Wheat beer from Southern Sun) - just concentrated and plugged along the Fowler back to the TH - ended up not completely bonked, but about half way to a nasty bonk - should have eaten a bigger lunch and/or brought some energy gels with me - had a Coke and some of Nee's famous fried rice when I got home and felt just fine - gotta do more of these hilly long runs (and eat more) so they don't seem so tough - beautiful day, beautiful run.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


71 minutes
moderate pace
1:45pm - cloudy and a little cool - same little loop that I have done a lot recently (start from the base of Shanahan Ridge, over to the Big Bluestem valley, up the remainder of the lower Big Bluestem, down the Mesa Trail, up the Towhee to the mouth of Shadow Canyon, last-chance-back-to-the-Mesa-Trail to the Mesa, Mesa north to North Shan, up to the Slab, down Fern Canyon to the Mesa, Mesa Trail south to North Shan, down North Shan to the TH) - this time there was not much mud though - I was very unmotivated before starting, then for the first two miles I just felt like stopping and walking back - I just felt exhausted and uninspired - but I decided to climb the hill (Towhee Trail) and see how I felt - I ended up feeling pretty fantastic - I was happy with my time, but it's tough to compare as the other times I did this run I was dealing with either snow & ice or mud - very light mist fell on me as I came down the North Shanahan Trail - so glad I stuck with it today.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Family Run

55 minutes
easy pace
11:45am - sunny and warm - the whole family ran down and up the Bear Creek Bike Path - we loaded up the boy in the baby jogger (can we call it the "baby runner"?) and ran down the Bear Creek Bike Path to the confluence with Boulder Creek, then we turned around and headed back up - he's an expert at this now as mommy and he do this a couple of times a week, but this was my first time pushing the "baby runner" - it's different because I couldn't swing my arms like in normal running, and my arms got a little bit tired from pushing the thing - the boy was awake for most of the trip out, and was completely zonked out for the trip home - a fun little family adventure.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Morning Mesa

47 minutes
easy pace
6am - same route as last night, but without Yuri Pass - beautiful sunrise this morning; not a lot of colors, but a nice, bright ball of hydrogen popping up over the horizon - that hour (sunrise) is the best for the Mesa Trail - felt good - feeling fired up to something a little longer this weekend.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


47 minutes
easy pace
5pm - warm and sunny - usual commuter route from work to home via the Mesa Trail - felt a little blah on the climb but ended up feeling pretty good - lots of runners out there today - late April and May are when I see the most runners out there - once the Bolder Boulder has been run a lot of them fade away - plum blooms still smell great.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rainy Broadway

26 minutes
easy pace
6am - light rain - pre-dawn - pretty wet out there, so I just ran straight in along the Broadway bike path - very slow and mellow - barely even breathing - wanted more when I got to work.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Plum Blossoms Along the Mesa

48 minutes
easy pace
5pm - cloudy & cool - standard commuter route home from work (up 9th to Chautauqua, Mesa Trail to Bear Creek Canyon fire road, over Yuri Pass, Bear Mountain Park, and home) - nice and easy today - just enjoying the beautiful afternoon - the plum blooms near Chautauqua and along Bear Creek (as well as in out front yard) smell so good - one of my favorite smells of spring - looked like it wanted to rain, but only a few drops fell on me.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Marshall Mesa

50 minutes
easy pace
late afternoon - sunny and warm - parked at the new Marshall Mesa TH, ran east on Marshall Valley to the old TH, out to the road, back west along the road to Cherryvale, Cheryvale to the old schoolhouse, hit the little Davidson Mesa singletrack, across the dry ditch, up and over Davidson Mesa, down the southeast side, crossed Hwy. 128, west along the old railroad grade back to the old TH, up Marshall Mesa trail, up to Greenbelt Plateau, west to Hwy. 93, down Coal Seam trail to the TH - great little loop; I really like the location of the new TH and the two new trails they have made - felt good - spectacular views of Longs Peak and Indian Peaks - beautiful day.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Rest Day

the nasty weather never came, but I still didn't get out there.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

From Home to Work

50 minutes
easy pace
6am - clear and cold - same route as last night, but in reverse and without Yuri Pass - heard an owl hooting in the neighborhood - saw a mule deer silhouetted against the morning sky on the little knoll between Yuri Pass and Bear Creek - the sun greeted me today - finally my morning run to work has some sunshine - and what a beautiful sunrise it was - felt a little zombie-esque when I left the house, but ended up feeling great - fingers were pretty cold this morning.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

From Work to Home

48 minutes
easy pace
5:15pm - sunny and chilly - usual commuter route home from work via the Mesa Trail - the sun was shining, but it was quite chilly in the shadow along the Mesa Trail - felt pretty good - just took it easy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rain on Broadway

27 minutes
6am - rainy and fairly dark - the rain had mostly stopped by the time I got out, but it was still wet (too freshly wet for trails) - just ran very easy up B-Way to work - had to duck into a building on the CU campus for a digestive emergency - felt a lot better after the pit stop - super-super mellow - just a little jog today.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Back At It

48 minutes
easy pace
5:15pm - mostly sunny and a bit chilly - a little muddy from the weekend moisture - felt heavy and rusty today (those rest days just kill me) - but ended up feeling pretty good by the end of the run - ran the standard commuter route home from work (up 9th to Chautauqua, Mesa Trail, Bear Creek Canyon Trail, Yuri Pass, Bear Mountain Park, and home).

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Rest Day # 3

I could have (should have) run today - in the afternoon the snow and ice melted away - woulda-shoulda-coulda.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Rest Day #2

thick coating of ice everywhere - another day to chill out.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Rest Day #1

freezing rain with a little coating of ice everywhere - I'm staying in.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Morning on the Mesa

51 minutes
easy pace
6am - cloudy and chilly - same route as last night (without Yuri Pass), but in reverse - it was a little darker today than on Tuesday due to the cloud cover, but I still had enough light to see where I was putting my feet - no spectacular pre-sunrise colors either - just a gray morning - the twinkling city lights always look sort of neat though - saw a large herd of mule deer just south of Chautauqua - super mellow, just goin' easy this morning.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Feelin' Good on the Mesa

44 minutes
moderate pace
5:15pm - cloudy and a little chilly - usual commuter route home via the Mesa Trail (including Yuri Pass) - gave it a little harder effort on the climb, then just kept zippin' along - feelin' quite good today.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Moon Over Bear Canyon

50 minutes
easy pace
6am - clear and chilly - ran the same route as last night, but in reverse (and without Yuri Pass) - as I left the house the big, fat full moon was setting in Bear Canyon, perfectly framed by Bear Peak on the left and Green Mountain on the right - as I made it up to the Mesa Trail the pinks and oranges were doing their thing over the eastern horizon - what a beautiful morning; I love the crisp morning air - just goin' easy - it's hard to do anything more than go easy at that hour with nothing but a little coffee in my belly - felt great.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Via the Mesa

47 minutes
easy to moderate pace
5:15pm - sunny and warm - usual commuter route home via the Mesa Trail (from downtown, up 9th to Chautauqua, Mesa Trail, down Bear Creek Canyon Trail, Yuri Pass, Bear Mountain Park, and home) - fely pretty good, but compared to the last few days I was fairly sluggish - the sun was feeling quite hot on the climb.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


34 minutes
easy to moderate pace
8:45am - sunny, chilly in the shade - just a short little run today - parked at the Eldorado Mountain TH, ran the Fowler to the Eldorado Canyon State Park visitor's center, turned around and came back - only a few tourists on the trail today - felt great.