Saturday, April 21, 2007


71 minutes
moderate pace
1:45pm - cloudy and a little cool - same little loop that I have done a lot recently (start from the base of Shanahan Ridge, over to the Big Bluestem valley, up the remainder of the lower Big Bluestem, down the Mesa Trail, up the Towhee to the mouth of Shadow Canyon, last-chance-back-to-the-Mesa-Trail to the Mesa, Mesa north to North Shan, up to the Slab, down Fern Canyon to the Mesa, Mesa Trail south to North Shan, down North Shan to the TH) - this time there was not much mud though - I was very unmotivated before starting, then for the first two miles I just felt like stopping and walking back - I just felt exhausted and uninspired - but I decided to climb the hill (Towhee Trail) and see how I felt - I ended up feeling pretty fantastic - I was happy with my time, but it's tough to compare as the other times I did this run I was dealing with either snow & ice or mud - very light mist fell on me as I came down the North Shanahan Trail - so glad I stuck with it today.