Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Eldo Today - Nap Yesterday

[Yesterday - Tuesday Dec. 20 - Rest day. Intended to run in the afternoon, but watched Nene head out on a run and took a hour-long nap. Sometimes that's what you need.]

Glad I took yesterday off. Sunday through Tuesday I was feeling blah (scratchy throat, tired), but all is well now. Plus today is the solstice, so it was good to be out there today, feeling good, appreciating nature. It would have been nice to actually be running when the exact solstice occurred (11:35 Mountain), but we were still filling up our water bottles - 25 gallons of the best water in the world. At least we were outside. Ran from the Eldorado Mountain trail head at 11:45. Fowler trail, super-warm day - 60ish degrees - got to intermittently wear my summer get-up (shorts and no shirt), but had a long-sleeved top on sometimes - gusty warm winds - snow melting like crazy. Ran easy with NeNe on the Fowler to the visitor's center in Eldorado Canyon State Park, she headed back and I ran up another 10-15 minutes, up the Eldorado Canyon trail, then off to the left in North Draw on a little singletrack trail that was obviously a climbing access route (several bouldering areas along the trail - RV-sized actual boulders resting in the grasses with chalk clinging to the handholds) - trail got a lot steeper and fainter (need to explore here more) - turned around and ran at a good clip back to where NeNe and I met to cool-down the last half mile to the car. 58 minutes. Great views of the canyon today - Low sun lighting, frozen waterfalls in South Boulder Creek - lovely.
Dinner at our sister city's teahouse.