Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Rail Trail ..... Again & Again

Today - Rail Trail again (oh, do I love that trail). 8am - cloudy out, sunny back. Mud was not a problem today as I left early enough that the mud was frozen. Temperature was chilly at the start, but was getting quite warm at the end (50's forecasted again today before we're back in the cold tomorrow). 53 minutes, solo. Easy to moderate pace. Felt great.

[Yesterday, Monday, Dec. 12 - B-day. Met NeNe at the Fourmile Creek Trailhead at 1pm and ran the Rail Trail. Warm - wore shorts! Mostly sunny. Some snow and a lot of mud - not the splashy type of mud, but the sticky kind that clumps on your shoes so each shoe weighs five pounds - weight training. Super mellow pace, easy effort, about an hour.
Sushi dinner (magic food) - had my first beer since September - tasted good.]