Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pre-Snow Hogback Loop

[UPDATE: OK - After researching a bit in guidebooks and on the Internet, I am fairly certain that it WAS an OSPREY that I saw this morning. It was in flight, 10 meters to my left and only 3 meters above me. My gut told me that it was an osprey, but I was thinking that Colorado was not part of their range. After some reading - I guess we do have osprey here - and I am pretty sure that I saw one. How cool. (But it's almost winter. Would these birds still be here this late? Where's a birder when you need one? What else could it have been? What I saw looked remarkably similar to the osprey in this photo.)]

8am, overcast, solo, 44 minutes of easy to moderate effort (moderate going uphill, easy everywhere else). They are calling for snow today (just started as I type this), so I figured this was my last chance for a while to do some hills and some technical without ice everywhere. I did the Hogback Loop from the school and back. It was chilly but pleasant on the way out, and cold and windy on the way back (but nothing compared to yesterday's wind). Saw a small herd of mule deer (four does and a buck), a Northern Flicker, and some bird I've never seen before. I will be trying to figure out what type of bird it was - it looked like miniature Osprey, but I'm certain that's not what it was (little help here, bird experts?).