Thursday, June 07, 2007

Surveying of the Wind Damage

48 minutes
easy pace
5:40am - sunny, crystal clear blue sky, windy - same route as last night, but in reverse and without Yuri Pass - we had a ferocious windstorm last night (power lines arcing all over the place flashing throughout the neighborhood - kept me up most of the night) - it was still crazy windy out there, but nothing like the middle of the night - it was an interesting run as I was surveying all of the wind damage - a big branch in our neighbor's yard was filling our side yard - tree limbs down all over the place - three big pines (one about 18 in. diameter and 60 ft. tall) were draped across the Bear Canyon fire road, all in a little cluster (all just snapped off like toothpicks about 20 feet up) - it was at a place where the terrain was too steep to go around, so the only way through was through the trees, up and over, under, twisting around branches and trunks - I could tell that I was not the first to navigate through these trees as the bark was all scuffed up - 9th St. looked like a war zone (no big trees down, but branches and leaves and trash and patio furniture everywhere) - the Pearl Street Mall crew was busy filling their truck beds with tree limbs - Mother Nature sure can sock it to us when she wants to - the run was at a very easy pace, but the wind really sucked the energy out of me, so I was felt a bit more wiped afterward.