Saturday, March 25, 2006

Doudy/Siphon/Highway Loop

67 minutes
mostly moderate pace
solo - 1:40pm - sunny and warm - started and finished with NeNe, but we did our own runs - set out from the Doudy Draw TH - up the Doudy Draw Trail to the break in the fence after the first creek crossing, then up and a quick left on the singletrack, continued south past the pond, over to and under the giant siphon (off trail at that point), then followed the siphon and aquaduct along Denver Water Board's dirt service roads to a point where I could see Highway 93 and the gravel quarry, turned around, followed the aquaduct back to the little singletrack that goes down past the old homestead and the big boulders in the prairie, down to the Eldorado Mountain TH, then ran the highway back east to the Doudy Draw TH - I got back there at about 53 minutes - then I eased up and ran nice and slow back up the Doudy, met NeNe coming down, easy back to the TH with her - felt great to turn it on for those first 50 minutes or so - sweaty and hot today (prelude to summer) - a little muddy and a little snowy, but mostly dry - felt pretty fast today.