Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Bigger E/F

56 minutes
easy to moderate pace (moderate up, easy everywhere else)
solo - 7:30pm - cool and cloudy with T-storms in the distance - from the house, I ran a variation of the regular E/F loop - once at the NOAA/NIST property, instead of running along the southern border of the property, I continued north along the Broadway Bike Path, then ran the northern edge of the property, then King Ave., and the Four Pines Trail from the Four Pines TH, that connected with the Enchanted Mesa Trail, and the rest of the loop was the normal route - I almost didn't run today, but decided to after a bunch of cool air from the T-storms rolled in - I had a great view up on the Mesa Trail; off to the east was a huge thunderstorm, with a thick arc of a rainbow showing through a break in the clouds, and lightning bolts flashing all over the place - a very intense scene to take in - the storms and clouds made it so dark that it felt like twilight out there - the rest days did me good - for some reason, my body was telling me that it did not want to I didn't - today I felt refreshed and fast and was really enjoying it.