Monday, May 07, 2007

Bee Sting on the Mesa

45 minutes
easy to moderate pace (closer to moderate)
5:10pm - sunny and cool - same route to home from work as usual - saw a bunch of rescue vehicles in the southwest part of Chautauqua Meadow (later learned that they were there because of the guy who died falling off the 2nd flatiron) - gave it a fairly good effort on the climb - felt great - just south of the Skunk Creek trail junction I felt a sharp pain under the tongue of my left shoe - thought it was just a sharp rock - knelt over to get it out and found that it was a bee stingin' away, dumpin' his toxins into my bloodstream - I could feel the throbbing poison sensation for the rest of the run, but it really didn't bother me until later - once home it got a little swollen and very itchy - iced it down with a bag of frozen blackberries and it was fine - really starting to feel fit these days.