Saturday, May 19, 2007

Long, Steep, Technical, Loose

120 minutes
easy pace
10am - sunny and quite warm - after visiting the Farmer's Market, Nee' dropped me off at the top of Flagstaff Road (so I got to begin my run at about 7500 feet) - ran Green Mountain West Ridge to the top of Green Mountain (quickly scampered up and bagged the peak), then ran down the E.M. Greenman trail, Saddle Rock trail, and Amphitheater trail to Gregory Canyon (all of that was steep and loose and technical - not really "running", more like scrambling) - then up the Bluebell-Baird trail to the Mesa trail, then up to Royal Arch and back (about 20% of that was power hiking rather than running - those stairs can get steep), then south along the Mesa trail, another side-trip up to Woods Quarry and back, then farther south on the Mesa trail to Bear Canyon Creek (dunked my head in a Bear Creek cascade), then down fire road, over Yuri Pass, through Bear Mountain Park, and on home - can you say "yahoos"?! - there were so many yahoo, tourist-type, lowlander-like, very slow hikers all over those trails today - it's good to see people out there, they just slow me down - my knees will be a bit sore tomorrow from all of the downhill I bet - felt great today - this run was much easier than the last, less-hilly, 2 hour run a couple of weeks ago (long runs are so beneficial) - beautiful summer-like Boulder day.