Saturday, May 12, 2007

New Shoes on Rollie Trails

77 minutes
easy pace
2:45pm - sunny with clouds around, quite warm - new shoes today (6th pair in a row of Montrail Hardrock's) - got dropped off at the South Mesa trailhead - ran up the Towhee to the mouth of Shadow Canyon (with the short spur to the top of the old Mesa trail saddle above Eldorado Springs - great view up there), last-chance-back-to-the-Mesa trail, Mesa trail north over Shanahan Ridge and NCAR saddle, down Skunk Canyon trail, across the creek, NOAA's southern property line to Broadway, ducked back into the 'hood, up church trail, and home - this run might have been a bit long and hilly for new shoes, as I got a little hot spot on my left heel - but I felt great today - that Towhee hill gets easier every time I run it.