Saturday, May 05, 2007

Davidson and Marshall Mesas Loops

120 minutes
easy pace
1:30pm - mostly cloudy and cool - a very mellow, slow, long run today - parked at the new Marshall Mesa TH - ran east on Marshall Valley trail to the old TH, out to the road, west on the road to Cherryvale, north on Cherryvale to the trail gate across from the old schoolhouse - little singletrack trail along Cherryvale and up and over Davidson Mesa, crossed Marshall Road, faint little singletrack back to the west along the old railroad grade to the old TH, up Marshall Mesa trail (including the little spur to the northwest to the rocky cliff viewpoint), Community Ditch, up the steps to the Greenbelt Plateau junction, west to CO-93, down the Coal Seam trail back to the TH, there I grabbed a little water and an energy gel, then ran that same loop again, then out-and-back on the Marshall Valley trail, then a little meander for five more minutes to get this thing to 2 hours - felt good, site of my pelvic fractures got achey the last half hour, but was fine after I stretched later - doing a long run by trying to string together loops and meandering at the end makes it seem longer and kind of boring - next time I'll just do a giant loop or a big out-and-back - the only advantage is the stopping at the car to refuel - felt tired at the end (as I should) but nowhere near as tired as the long run two weeks ago.