Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mountain Bikin' at Hall Ranch

[mountain bike]
1 hour, 32 minutes
13.93 miles
with DJ - noonish - warm, sun and clouds - Hall Ranch (Lyons, CO) - 100% trail - parked at the north TH, rode up the switchbacks, headed down through the rock garden, then back up through the rock garden (definitely have some room for improvement climbing up through that technical stuff), then continued up to the Nelson Loop, did one lap counter-clockwise, then two more laps clockwise, then barreled down to the car from the top at frightening speed - we started out easy, but really started hammerin' on the way up to the loop - we rode each additional climb of the loop harder than the previous one (my climbing legs are back - I was smokin' it) - the final descent from the top was insanely fast - that's what it took to get my courage back up to last year's level - I was just tryin' to stick on DJ's wheel (he's an amazing descender) - It's funny...descending is just confidence and that the bike will stay in one piece, faith that the guy in front of you is picking a good line, faith that, if something goes wrong, you'll be able to (very quickly) figure a way out of it - it's scary as hell, but also crazy fun - then, once you've done it, you know it can be done - I think that's the fastest we've ever come down that mountain - we were laughing so hard as we finished - what a rush - feelin' amazingly good.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hogback and Half Rail

63 minutes
easy to moderate pace
with DJ - 2pm - sun and clouds, slightly chilly - headed out from the school, climbed up and down the Hogback Loop, then headed out on the Rail Trail, turned around at the pond and headed back in - easy pace most of the way (just talkin' with DJ), but we really worked hard on the Hogback climb - feelin' great.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Up Linden - Down Old Kiln

39 minutes
moderate pace
solo - 3:45pm - chilly and wet - started from the school, ran around the south side of Wonderland Lake, up Linden, then down the Old Kiln Trail, and back to the school - just a short and quick thing today - first it was just a cold wind, then it was light rain, then it was snow...then just the wind for the rest of the run.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Easy E/F

52 minutes
easy pace
solo - 7:45am - sunny, calm, and just warm enough to go shirtless - from the house, standard E/F loop - climbed up to the Mesa Trail via Kohler Mesa, came down via Bear Creek fire road - felt awesome - lots of runners (and little else) up there this morning - I love being up on the Mesa Trail in the early AM - my quads were slightly sore for some reason (probably a byproduct of those rest days) - warm weather is back and so am I.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

South Mesa TH to Home

61 minutes
easy pace
solo - sunny and warm - 3pm - I got dropped off at the S. Mesa TH (on the road to Eldorado Springs) and ran home from there - Mesa Trail, Upper Big Bluestem Trail, reconnected onto the Mesa Trail, descended Skunk Canyon Trail, down telephone road, down Vassar to the house - felt horrible for the first ten minutes (those rest days are killers), but felt better and better the farther I ran - the trails were less muddy than I expected from the last two days of rain and snow - back into springtime now - I love doing a point-to-point run; feels like I actually "went somewhere" as opposed to running in a circle - I regret being a weather wimp the past two days.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Monday, April 24, 2006

Rest Day

rest day
running in 35 degree rain just didn't seem like much fun

Sunday, April 23, 2006


46 minutes
easy pace (moderate on the climb)
with DJ - sunny and warm, Hogback Loop from the school and back - started out feeling a little tired and heavy from the riding, but felt fantastic once on the climb - put in a pretty good effort on the climb, but was able to keep myself from exploding - feeling really good.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Road Bike to Denver

[road bike]
40.82 miles
2 hours, 19 minutes
moderate effort
solo - sunny, warm, with a southeasterly wind (!?of all the days for a SE breeze?!) - late afternoon, rode from our house to Sis' house - Marshall Road, Coalton, Interlocken Loop, CO128, Wadsworth Blvd., 92nd Ave, 91st Ct., Harlan, 88th Ave., Lamar, around Lake Arbor, Little Dry Creek Bike Path, Clear Creek Bike Path, South Platte River Bike Path, Cherry Creek Bike Path, through the 'hood to Sis' house - felt blah for the first 30 minutes (and sore seatbones), then felt great for the remainder of the ride - rode through the armpit of Denver (nasty stuff, but at least it's a bike path - beats fightin' cars) - about halfway there I felt my riding legs coming into form - I know it's summer when I'm runnin' and ridin'.

Friday, April 21, 2006

First Day on the Bike

[mountain bike]
40 miles
3 hours, 15 minutes
moderate effort, with bursts of redlining on the climbs
with DJ - 10am, sunny and warm - our route was about half trail/half pavement - headed out from DJ's house (west of Niwot), south on 63rd, west at Coot Lake, around the north side of "the Res" on the dirt road, Eagle Trail, Sage Trail, back on the Eagle, up the "mesa freeway hill" (that hill shocked my body - not used to the redlining of mountain biking), continue on the Eagle, under US36, up the Foothills hill (felt much better on that one), south on the Foothills Trail, 4th Street, up Boulder Canyon, up the Boulder Canyon link trail (very steep and very loose), did one lap of the Betasso Loop (started bonkin' so I ate a bunch), back down the Link Trail, back down Boulder Canyon, Boulder Creek Path, zipped around the shorttrack course at the CU Research Park, back on the Creek Path, Wonderland Trail, Cottonwood Trail north to Jay Road, across the Diagonal Highway, country roads back up to DJ's house - the longer we rode the better I felt (even though I was more tired) - those first twenty miles or so were rough; just not used to riding - my neck, seatbones, and triceps need a few more rides to get back into the swing of things - DJ's in good shape; I'm in good aerobic shape, but don't have the riding legs yet. As a result I didn't have a hammer to drop. I'll have it in a couple weeks. When the hammer drops, he'll know it. DJ is a much better descender than I am, but I usually get him on the climbs. And the longer the ride the better - felt great to be riding again - all of that winter running really makes a difference on the bike - we've got plans for plenty of epic rides this season - beautiful day.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Rail with DJ

51 minutes
easy to moderate pace
with DJ - sunny, warm, slight breeze - Rail Trail from the school - we ran at easy pace, but with all the chatting we did (and not focusing on breathing) it seemed a little harder than easy pace - felt great.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Big Bluestem

32 minutes
moderate pace
solo - sunny and a bit nippy - 10:10am - standard Big Bluestem loop from the S. Boulder Creek (west) TH - first day of going harder than easy pace in quite a while (and I've felt like I've had half of a cold for a week), so I was hacking up a bunch of phlegm - despite all that, I felt quick and zippy today - if I gave it a real effort I'd break 30 minutes (will probably do that soon - it's "out there" so I'll have to just get it one day) - five mule deer crossed the trail in front of me on the way down the valley.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Reverse Fowler

48 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe and Senior Runner - 12:20pm - sunny and windy - chilly compared to recent days, but still plenty warm enough for shorts - parked in Eldorado Canyon State Park - headed out from the Fowler/Rattlesnake TH, ran the Fowler, connected with and ran the Denver Water Board's dirt service road (past the fossilized ancient sea bed) to the point where it hits the aqueduct, turned around and headed back - very mellow and easy - spectacular views of the canyon walls - saw a freight train up above - saw a ptarmigan at the aqueduct and some mule deer down below the trail - late lunch at the Teahouse afterward - it's great to get some miles in with Senior Runner; I hope I can still be doing this stuff 25 years from now.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Boulder Canyon

63 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - sunny and hot - 10:20am - parked at 8th & University and ran up the Boulder Creek Path up the canyon to the mouth of Fourmile Canyon (where the path ends), turned around and ran back - super mellow and easy - dunked our heads in the creek at the turnaround (very cold water, but it felt great) - felt ok (had a little bit of a headache, but no big deal) - feels like summer the past week.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wash Park

48 minutes
easy pace
with Senior Runner and KJ - sunny and hot - super easy and mellow at Denver's Washington Park - jeez, what a sea of humanity in that park (people everywhere) - did about one and a half loops on the cinder path, just yappin' it up - felt good.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Rest Day

Rest is good - back at it tomorrow.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Rail Trail with DJ

51 minutes
easy pace
with DJ - 12:15pm - sunny, breezy, and hot (low 80's) - Rail Trail from the school - went all the way to the terminus; walked the last singletrack section as we finished (last quarter mile) - felt good, but I was fatigued from the previous day's run (not just my legs, but my whole body - just general tiredness) - got a pretty good sunburn today.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Green Mountain

130 minutes
easy pace
solo - sunny, windy, and hot (low 80's) - 2:25pm - another great run today - from the Bear Canyon TH, Bear Canyon, Green Bear, Green Mountain West Ridge to the top of Green Mountain (the mountain on which the Flatirons sit), E.M. Greenman, Saddle Rock, Amphitheater to the Gregory Canyon TH, Baird-Bluebell, Bluebell-Mesa, Mesa, Kohler Mesa, NOAA/NIST service road, across Skunk Creek, southern edge of the NOAA/NIST property, through the 'hood, church trail, and home - I had a lot of fun out there today, mostly going nice and easy, just pluggin' along - Green Mountain is a very cool chunk of earth - it's so cool up there lookin' down on the backside of the Flatirons - the E.M. Greenman and Saddle Rock trails are seriously rugged (glad I was descending them) and the Greenman still had a good amount of ice on it (in another week it will be gone) - once I got down to the Gregory Canyon TH I still had a decent amount of climbing to do to get up and over Enchanted/Kohler Mesas - I dunked my head in Skunk Creek (felt awesome) - I am lovin' my Ultimate Direction Strider (hip pack that was a gift from the Stone Klan) - with these temperatures, hydration is a must - plus, an energy gel on top of the mountain fueled me for the descent - I was quite tired by the end of the run, but nowhere close to the "wiped-out" feeling I had after Saturday's Bear Peak run - felt kind of blah on the way up, but got into my element for the second half (gravity will usually do that).

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Big Bluestem

52 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - 4:50pm - sunny and warm - standard Big Bluestem loop from the S. Boulder Creek (West) TH - super light and super easy - just hangin' with NeNe - the meadowlarks have such a pretty call; there were hundreds of them out there - feelin' good.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Castlewood Canyon

105 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - mostly sunny, warm, breezy - 12:20pm - We visited Castlewood Canyon State Park for the first time, a very cool place (even by Colorado standards) - I'm sure the place is packed with yahoos on the weekend, but on a weekday it was great - The 105 minute time indicated above is total time out on the trail, we were not running the whole time (looking around, shooting video, etc.) - very mellow pace, just enjoying the scenery, takin' it easy - set out from the Homestead TH, Homestead Trail, Rimrock Trail (above the canyon), Dam Trail (back down into the canyon), past the dam ruins, Inner Canyon Trail, Canyon View Nature Trail (paved), to the Visitor's Center (where there was NO WATER, ouch!), back along Lake Gulch Trail, again past the dam ruins, Creek Bottom Trail, back to the Homestead Trail and the TH (trail map) - I always love running someplace where I have never been before - and I love running with my NeNe - a great little run, and afterward we had a nice picnic lunch at the homestead ruins - check out the video of our run over at the toxins.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Easy Fowler

54 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - sunny - so warm that I'll call it hot - breezy - midafternoon - a very mellow trot on the Fowler trail from the Eldorado Mountain TH - went to the Visitor's Center in Eldorado Canyon State Park (and the drinking fountain is now ON for the season) - so hot that we needed to dunk our heads in South Boulder Creek (that water is COLD) - re-rolled my left ankle (that was some seriously intense pain for a couple minutes, but I just kept running and it was fine after a while - arnica will help it out) - felt like summer today.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Super Slow on the Rail

60 minutes
easy pace
solo - 1:30pm - sunny, very warm (upper 70's), and breezy - Rail Trail from the high school - super mellow - recovering from yesterday; my legs were still tired - the grasshoppers were out in force today, sometimes smackin' me in the chest - saw more people on that trail than ever before - once back to the school, I meandered around a bit to make it an hour run - lovin' this warm weather.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Bear Peak

125 minutes
easy to moderate pace (mostly moderate up, easy down)
solo - 2:20pm - sunny turned to cloudy - warm turned slightly chilly - from the Bear Canyon TH, up Bear Canyon Trail, Bear Peak West Ridge Trail, to the top of Bear Peak, retraced the same route back to the TH, then on down to the house - felt great going up - had a couple of nice moments on top (great views of the snow-capped Continental Divide, Longs Peak, Indian Peaks, Eldora Ski Area) - but early in the descent I starting feeling bonked - it was mostly gravity that got me home - I didn't eat enough earlier in the day, plus I did a few hours of yard work in the morning - I was damn tired on the way down that mountain - drank a Coke within two minutes of getting home, and guacamole a few minutes later (that was a magical combination; instantly felt human again) - then an epsom salt soak, dinner, and Haagen Dazs - all back to normal again - I will sleep well tonight, for sure - first bagging of "the bear" this year.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Easy Reverse E/F

56 minutes
easy pace
solo - 7:30am - 40 degrees, mist, rain - Did my standard E/F loop from the house, but in reverse (up Table Mesa and Lehigh to Bear Mountain Park, through the 'hood to Bear Canyon Trail, west to the Mesa Trail, Mesa Trail north to Kohler Mesa, down the service road, across Skunk Creek, down the southern border of the NOAA/NIST property, church trail, back home) - just went real easy - it started out as just mist, but as I climbed up to the Mesa Trail (and into the clouds) it quickly changed into cold rain - by the time I was half done I was very wet and very cold, but I was lovin' every second of it - hardly anyone up there - that "smell of spring" in the air - felt like I was floating today - effortless.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mellow Hogback Loop

44 minutes
easy pace (moderate on the stairsteps)
solo - sunny, a little chilly, and gusty - just did a mellow cruise of the Hogback Loop from the school - went easy, except on the stairsteps, where it's pretty much impossible to go easy unless you walk - felt great - great views up there - and pretty windy up there.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Another Easy Rail

52 minutes
easy pace
solo - sunny, but a little chilly - Rail Trail easy from the school - but with a few moderate surges mixed in - turkey vultures and prairie hawks floating around - felt good by the end - rolled my left ankle (no big deal, but it will be sore for a few days).

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Easy from Home

42 minutes
easy pace
solo - 7:45am - overcast and chilly - not much time in my schedule today, so I did my typical not-much-time-but-I'm-squeezing-a-run-in-anyway loop from the house - church trail, b-way trail in front of NOAA/NIST, King Ave., Four Pines TH, behind Green Mountain Cemetery, up Skunk Canyon, down telephone road, behind the houses, then through the 'hood and Bear Mountain Park back to the house - nice and easy - Even though I bought new shoes almost two months ago, today was my first day wearing them (a little stiff, but good - same ol' Montrail Hardrock's) - felt just ok (I'm off the coffee crutch, so mornings are a bit groggy this week).

Monday, April 03, 2006

Rail (Slightly) Extended

55 minutes
easy pace
solo - noon - overcast and a bit chilly - Rail Trail from the school, but once at the terminus, I ran down to the highway (US36) - turned around and ran back - felt blah out, but pretty good back - felt a little tired from yesterday's surges - hawks and rabbits showed themselves a bunch.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


58 minutes
moderate pace (with some fartlek surges)
solo - started and finished with NeNe, but we did our own thing - 3:40pm, sunny, warm, and windy - from the Eldorado Mountain TH, ran SE along the Denver Water Board's service road that parallels the aquaduct - went out 25 minutes to the top of the second siphon about a mile west of Highway 93, hung out there for a minute, turned around and came back the same way (but with some harder surges and some mellow recovery mixed in) - once back to the TH, eased up and ran down the hill to the road, back up, and back up the Fowler a bit until I met NeNe coming down, easy back with her - felt awesome - got some good views of the grass fire at Rocky Flats.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Half Rail with DJ

40 minutes
easy pace
with DJ - he's normally my mountain bike partner, but he's getting some running in too this spring - he's already been riding a lot, so I could be in for some trouble - from the school, ran to the "pond" and back - 11:30am, sunny - felt good.