Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Reverse Fowler

48 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe and Senior Runner - 12:20pm - sunny and windy - chilly compared to recent days, but still plenty warm enough for shorts - parked in Eldorado Canyon State Park - headed out from the Fowler/Rattlesnake TH, ran the Fowler, connected with and ran the Denver Water Board's dirt service road (past the fossilized ancient sea bed) to the point where it hits the aqueduct, turned around and headed back - very mellow and easy - spectacular views of the canyon walls - saw a freight train up above - saw a ptarmigan at the aqueduct and some mule deer down below the trail - late lunch at the Teahouse afterward - it's great to get some miles in with Senior Runner; I hope I can still be doing this stuff 25 years from now.