Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Easy from Home

42 minutes
easy pace
solo - 7:45am - overcast and chilly - not much time in my schedule today, so I did my typical not-much-time-but-I'm-squeezing-a-run-in-anyway loop from the house - church trail, b-way trail in front of NOAA/NIST, King Ave., Four Pines TH, behind Green Mountain Cemetery, up Skunk Canyon, down telephone road, behind the houses, then through the 'hood and Bear Mountain Park back to the house - nice and easy - Even though I bought new shoes almost two months ago, today was my first day wearing them (a little stiff, but good - same ol' Montrail Hardrock's) - felt just ok (I'm off the coffee crutch, so mornings are a bit groggy this week).