Friday, April 21, 2006

First Day on the Bike

[mountain bike]
40 miles
3 hours, 15 minutes
moderate effort, with bursts of redlining on the climbs
with DJ - 10am, sunny and warm - our route was about half trail/half pavement - headed out from DJ's house (west of Niwot), south on 63rd, west at Coot Lake, around the north side of "the Res" on the dirt road, Eagle Trail, Sage Trail, back on the Eagle, up the "mesa freeway hill" (that hill shocked my body - not used to the redlining of mountain biking), continue on the Eagle, under US36, up the Foothills hill (felt much better on that one), south on the Foothills Trail, 4th Street, up Boulder Canyon, up the Boulder Canyon link trail (very steep and very loose), did one lap of the Betasso Loop (started bonkin' so I ate a bunch), back down the Link Trail, back down Boulder Canyon, Boulder Creek Path, zipped around the shorttrack course at the CU Research Park, back on the Creek Path, Wonderland Trail, Cottonwood Trail north to Jay Road, across the Diagonal Highway, country roads back up to DJ's house - the longer we rode the better I felt (even though I was more tired) - those first twenty miles or so were rough; just not used to riding - my neck, seatbones, and triceps need a few more rides to get back into the swing of things - DJ's in good shape; I'm in good aerobic shape, but don't have the riding legs yet. As a result I didn't have a hammer to drop. I'll have it in a couple weeks. When the hammer drops, he'll know it. DJ is a much better descender than I am, but I usually get him on the climbs. And the longer the ride the better - felt great to be riding again - all of that winter running really makes a difference on the bike - we've got plans for plenty of epic rides this season - beautiful day.