Thursday, April 13, 2006

Green Mountain

130 minutes
easy pace
solo - sunny, windy, and hot (low 80's) - 2:25pm - another great run today - from the Bear Canyon TH, Bear Canyon, Green Bear, Green Mountain West Ridge to the top of Green Mountain (the mountain on which the Flatirons sit), E.M. Greenman, Saddle Rock, Amphitheater to the Gregory Canyon TH, Baird-Bluebell, Bluebell-Mesa, Mesa, Kohler Mesa, NOAA/NIST service road, across Skunk Creek, southern edge of the NOAA/NIST property, through the 'hood, church trail, and home - I had a lot of fun out there today, mostly going nice and easy, just pluggin' along - Green Mountain is a very cool chunk of earth - it's so cool up there lookin' down on the backside of the Flatirons - the E.M. Greenman and Saddle Rock trails are seriously rugged (glad I was descending them) and the Greenman still had a good amount of ice on it (in another week it will be gone) - once I got down to the Gregory Canyon TH I still had a decent amount of climbing to do to get up and over Enchanted/Kohler Mesas - I dunked my head in Skunk Creek (felt awesome) - I am lovin' my Ultimate Direction Strider (hip pack that was a gift from the Stone Klan) - with these temperatures, hydration is a must - plus, an energy gel on top of the mountain fueled me for the descent - I was quite tired by the end of the run, but nowhere close to the "wiped-out" feeling I had after Saturday's Bear Peak run - felt kind of blah on the way up, but got into my element for the second half (gravity will usually do that).