Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Castlewood Canyon

105 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - mostly sunny, warm, breezy - 12:20pm - We visited Castlewood Canyon State Park for the first time, a very cool place (even by Colorado standards) - I'm sure the place is packed with yahoos on the weekend, but on a weekday it was great - The 105 minute time indicated above is total time out on the trail, we were not running the whole time (looking around, shooting video, etc.) - very mellow pace, just enjoying the scenery, takin' it easy - set out from the Homestead TH, Homestead Trail, Rimrock Trail (above the canyon), Dam Trail (back down into the canyon), past the dam ruins, Inner Canyon Trail, Canyon View Nature Trail (paved), to the Visitor's Center (where there was NO WATER, ouch!), back along Lake Gulch Trail, again past the dam ruins, Creek Bottom Trail, back to the Homestead Trail and the TH (trail map) - I always love running someplace where I have never been before - and I love running with my NeNe - a great little run, and afterward we had a nice picnic lunch at the homestead ruins - check out the video of our run over at the toxins.