Friday, April 07, 2006

Easy Reverse E/F

56 minutes
easy pace
solo - 7:30am - 40 degrees, mist, rain - Did my standard E/F loop from the house, but in reverse (up Table Mesa and Lehigh to Bear Mountain Park, through the 'hood to Bear Canyon Trail, west to the Mesa Trail, Mesa Trail north to Kohler Mesa, down the service road, across Skunk Creek, down the southern border of the NOAA/NIST property, church trail, back home) - just went real easy - it started out as just mist, but as I climbed up to the Mesa Trail (and into the clouds) it quickly changed into cold rain - by the time I was half done I was very wet and very cold, but I was lovin' every second of it - hardly anyone up there - that "smell of spring" in the air - felt like I was floating today - effortless.