Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2nd Run Today - Half Rail with Blaine

52 minutes
easy pace
with Blaine (one of the runners on the cross country team) - Blaine needs to be ready for some mountaineering outings that he will be doing as part of his Senior Project, so he wants to run with me sometimes. So, we did a run together at dusk. - We left the school at 4:45pm, headed out on the Rail Trail, got to "the pond" (or "bog", or "oasis", whatever you want to call it) and it was getting awfully dark, turned around and stumbled back. We were watching our moon shadows on the way back, looking at the city lights, and the big herds of mule deer. It really was a cool experience. Plus, he's a very neat kid - I love talking with him - still warm enough for shorts - nice and easy - looking forward to more runs with him - I wanted more mileage, and today I got some more mileage.