Saturday, January 07, 2006

Up to the Mesa

56 minutes
easy to moderate pace (moderate on uphills and flats, easy on downhills)
solo - 2:15pm - sunny and 65 degrees, light winds - summer garb (shoes, socks, shorts, skin) - from the house, west through the hood, up and over Yuri Pass, Bear Creek fire road, north on the Mesa, down McClintock and Enchanted Mesa trails, past Chautauqua Auditorium, zig zag through the hood to the Four Pines TH, little trail behind Green Mountain Cemetery, across Skunk Creek, NOAA/NIST property to Broadway and Dartmouth, through the hood to the "church trail", back to the house - felt pretty good, not super - the trails were full of people - as I descended the McClintock I passed some fifty-something woman hiking and she said, "God, you are an inspiration. Wow". I just smiled and laughed, but I thought, "Geez, you're easily inspired". What's so inspirational about a guy letting gravity yank him down a trail? Besides, there are easily 500 faster and fitter runners in this town. It was a little weird, but, of course, the compliment made me feel good. - Unbelievably nice day.