Thursday, January 12, 2006

Up Linden

44 minutes
easy to moderate pace (closer to easy)
solo - 8am - clouds and sun - chilly (dressed for winter) - windy (first half) - from the school, across Wonderland Lake dam, south to Linden, west on Linden Dr., climbed up the road and continued climbing on N. Cederbrook Dr., Ridge Rd., "wraparound" trail above Lee Hill Dr., Old Kiln Trail, Foothills Trail, Foothills Community Park, back to the school - I was thinking that this run would be much more difficult - maybe that's why it seemed so easy (prepared for worse) - only 5 to 5.5 miles, but a good hill in there - really only 15 minutes of climbing (800 feet or so) - about half roads, half trail - as I descended the "wraparound", I saw, on the slope on the other side of Lee Hill Dr., a fox darting through a small herd of mule deer as a hiker was spooking all of them - that little fox was movin' - always wanted to do that loop and now it's done - felt great again.