Sunday, January 01, 2006

Buffalo Ranch

46 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - Buffalo Ranch - 3:30pm, start and finish at S. Boulder Creek East TH - Buffalo Ranch (CU cross country course - Jawbone Hill gets easier every time I run it), berm trail, Tantra Park - sunny, sunset as we finished - not as warm as past few days, but not as windy - not as congested today, but hacking cough - feeling a lot better today - felt blah at the start, great afterward - running was the best thing I could have done - a boxer/pitbull dog ran along with us for a while - well, not really - he would run past us , then stop and sniff some stuff, then pass us again, and on and on - cute dog, ran sort of sideways - saw several "New Year's resolutioners" out there.