Monday, January 30, 2006

Easy Rail

42 minutes
easy pace
solo - 3:30pm - sunny, but ended in the shadow - just warm enough for shorts (50 degrees) - from the Fourmile Creek TH, to the Rail Trail terminus and back - just goin' mellow - tail/crosswind out, head/crosswind back - I was not motivated to get out there today, but, once I was five minutes into it, I was glad to be doing it - a quarter mile from the end, I passed Frank Shorter - he was just trottin' slowly (probably out on a twenty miler or something) - wow, was it really 36 years ago that he won the gold? - he's still gettin' out there and runnin' - I hope I can keep it up that long - felt good today - I spent a lot of today's run daydreaming about mountain biking - I saw my riding partner today, and he assures me that he will be in shape come spring - I know I will be - well, even if I'm in good running shape, it will take me a couple weeks to get my riding legs back - the heart and lungs will be there though (never left).