Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fowler - More Wind

47 minutes
easy pace
with NeNe - Fowler trail - 10:30am - sunny, but windy (I am getting very tired of this wind business - I'll welcome the return of cold temperatures if it means some relief from the wind - it's difficult to relax, even indoors, when the wind is howlin') - start and finish at the Eldorado Mountain TH - up the Fowler to the visitor's center in Eldorado Canyon State Park, and back - it's good we ran when we did, as the wind got much worse later in the day (did I mention how much I dislike the wind? - if I ever commit some awful crime, it will happen on a windy day - makes me crazy) - I was pretty wiped out after my run with Dan-o yesterday, so today it was nice to just go mellow - shorts, winter cap, thin gloves

When Seniorrunner/Oldguy comes to town, I think this is the trail I'd like him to see - (spectacular views of the canyon) - after the initial climb (5-10 min.) it's pretty flat and the views are awesome - he has some "clock cleaning" on his agenda - the clock to which he refers must be his own - ha! - but, we'll do something else if it's icy - as of now, it's dry.